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SEMBALUN lush green peaceful refreshing eye with a view of  would        not the boring

To reach the village at the foot of Mount Rinjani , which is reached by traveling continues to climb past the expanse of beautiful scenery . At peak altitude before reaching the village of Sembalun the visitors who had driven more than two hours from the city of Mataram often unwind while enjoying the view of the hills and the expanse of paddy fields is one of the favorite places to take pictures .
    Sembalun enjoy the cool air , circled the fog and the sometimes sudden come is another way to enjoy life . Peace , quiet and serene . Bitter cold and it feels inconvenient offer outstanding natural enjoyment . " Being at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level , the average temperature is 19 degrees with Sembalun lowest temperature can reach 4 degrees celsius around August .
    Mileage is more or less 2.5 hours drive from Mataram to Sembalun not felt , though winding and up and down hills , given the nature of travel along the foot of Mount Rinjani offers natural charm and understated . Personal vehicles seem to stop at some point beautiful natural spaces . For a moment the people got out of the vehicle to inhale the fresh mountain air or photographing mountain charm .
    Sembalun known as a producer of garlic and onion , is now also one of the natural attractions mainstay of West Nusa Tenggara . Additionally Sembalun known as a producer of potatoes , carrots , cabbage , cauliflower , broccoli , asparagus , green beans , red beans , Tomeo , arcis , strawberries , celery , lettuce , peppers , red peppers , apples , avocado , jackfruit , dragon fruit , mango , citrus , coffee arabica and robusta peas and other crops . Sembalun become one of the central fruit and vegetable supplier needs Lombok Island .
     As the closest gate to reach the summit of Rinjani , Sembalun is still offering a natural village atmosphere . The touch of modernization does not seem excessive at this place . Friendly society , a simple life unpretentious nature sebersahaja awarded to them . However , a remote village Sembalun not isolated , as far as communication and transportation is quite smooth .
    Given this village received kickbacks for many climbers and tourists who want to conquer and enjoy Mount Rinjani , Sembalun villagers seem to know exactly what they should do . In general , especially those who are directly in the chain circle tour with this special interest , such as guide (guide ) or porters ( porters ) , always maintaining the authenticity and preservation of nature and the area of ​​Mount Rinjani Sembalun because they spearhead a positive image builder Mount Rinjani . Residents have Sembalun pursue this profession since the first two .
    Crowded future visits to Mount Rinjani , June and July . The peak occurred in August . Each year , at least three months , January , February and March , this area was closed considering the weather allows . In the closing days of climbing , traveled another option could be done in Sembalun .
    There exists a unique attraction with salt cow calling , calling birds , sightseeing tours around the village Sembalun , picking coffee and chocolate , can also take a hike past the plantations in Sajang while inhaling the fragrant aroma of vanilla to the ageless waterfall , or a visit to the village of Beleq the forerunner of the village and other villages Sembalun .
Sembalun tourism potential are complete . In addition to offering natural and charming panorama , also mountain , historical and cultural tourism . According to Abdurrahman Sembahulun , cultural and community leaders Sembalun , here there is a village that became the forerunner of Lombok , the village Beleq . Traces of history can not be separated from Lombok Sembalun . Trusted by the local community , Sembalun been a cultural center of Lombok in the past . In the village there are only seven houses Beleq established around the 13th century .
A variety of historical relics and evidence of civilization in Sembalun , such as keris and ancient handwritten book of Koran at least there are still pieces of Kedatuan Worship goal Ulun ( as a forerunner to the name Sembalun ) . There is also a papyrus codex that proves that Sembalun long before it has a tradition of oral literature . And , some other relics . Indeed , Sembalun blessed with beautiful nature is amazing , not just the mountains and nature but also offered a high civilization .
Been to Village Sembalun could be one option traveled cheap . Some people run traditional inn rent is cheap and affordable . The houses are traditional Sasak Berugak - Berugak form complete with bedrooms located on it . One of the places that offer this traditional inn's location is at the former Bale Geleng kedatuan Ulun Worship .
This unique place is laid out in a location such as hills filled with hundreds of herbs and flowers . From here , the peak of Rinjani can enjoy clear of this place . Black monkeys hanging around the lodge is beautiful . According Sembah Ulun , a descendant of Worship Kedatuan Ulun , Berugak - Berugak used as base this largely hundreds of years old which is a relic of Kedatuan Kembah Ulun . Only a few Berugak who had replaced the wood when strong winds buffeted Sembalun some time ago . Besides used as lodging for hikers Rinjani , Bale Geleng often used as a vacation spot . Bale Geleng also prepare foods typical Sasak which can be ordered in accordance with the desire at an affordable price .

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