
Pusuk Sembalun desa wisata kaki gunung

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Pusuk Sembalun above the altitude of 1250 meters above sea level . of pusuk sembalunAnda desasembalun can enjoy the view from a height , clearly visible Sembalun village flanked by hills like being inside a very sturdy fortress . some unique things can be enjoyed from a width of no more than 200 square meters such as weather and fog that almost every 1 hour is always changing . besides pusuk in Lombok usually synonymous with apes or monkeys , there are several species of monkeys that live in this place among apes the most demanding to be seen is the black ape Air- eokor long or so-called monkey . and for you who like rock climbing , you can climb the hill pusuk located on the right side and the left side of the road , the track leading to the hill arguably quite extreme and adrenaline test . the higher you climb the more places beautiful scenery will be found .if interested to enjoy this tour Sembalun pusuk , there are two routes that you can travel is through the north or east through . If you depart from Mataram eastern route would indeed be closer but the scenery was not as much , just a view of the rice fields teracering pusuk when entering the forest , but if you set off from the north , you can stop at some interesting spots such as the north coast ( kerakas , tampes ) , visited the ancient mosque parrots , parrots and traditional home prior to heading to your pusuk Dapa layover disembalun tube for mace and other natural attractions and visited the village of belek ( village into a cultural heritage ) .

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